WARNING: Products on this website contain nicotine and are 18+ age-restricted.

what is IGET King

What Is IGET King?

I’m new to the vaping world and immediately fell in love with IGET King! But I still need to learn more about it. Can anyone tell me what IGET King is?

how many puffs in a disposable vape

How Many Puffs In A Disposable Vape?

I’m a heavy smoker, and this is my first time buying an e-cigarette, but I was wondering how many puffs are in a disposable vape.

how to tell if a disposable vape has nicotine

How To Tell If A Disposable Vape Has Nicotine?

I just started vaping and learned that there are nicotine-containing and nicotine-free ones. What are their differences, and how can I tell if it has nicotine?

what is the jd sticker on IGET Bar

What Is The JD Sticker On The IGET Bar?

Hi there. Can anyone please tell me what is the JD sticker on the IGET Bar? I want to know more about this product before buying.

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