WARNING: Products on this website contain nicotine and are 18+ age-restricted.

Alert For Fake IGET Bar Notification

Alert For Fake IGET Bar Notification

Recently, a large number of fake IGET Bars have appeared in, and IGET provides useful ways on how to recognize a fake IGET Bar!

what is IGET King

What Is IGET King?

I’m new to the vaping world and immediately fell in love with IGET King! But I still need to learn more about it. Can anyone tell me what IGET King is?

how many puffs in a disposable vape

How Many Puffs In A Disposable Vape?

I’m a heavy smoker, and this is my first time buying an e-cigarette, but I was wondering how many puffs are in a disposable vape.

how to tell if a disposable vape has nicotine

How To Tell If A Disposable Vape Has Nicotine?

I just started vaping and learned that there are nicotine-containing and nicotine-free ones. What are their differences, and how can I tell if it has nicotine?

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